Uexplore / Dexter Tutorials

Tools for Accessing the Missouri Census Data Center Data Archive

Beginners may want to start at the What is Uexplore/Dexter? introduction and overview page.

Dexter Quick Start Guide
This brief introduction to the basics of the Dexter data extraction tool is designed for users who are just getting started. It also includes a link to the video-based alternative that shows how it works.
Dexter Help
This is the ultimate reference resource for using the Dexter module. It's also linked from the Dexter query form.
Important Things to Know About the MCDC Data Archive
This is a good introduction to key aspects of the data archive. Recommended reading for anyone trying to get a handle on what data are available and how they are organized and named.

PowerPoint Decks

Note: These presentations date from circa 2005-2007 and were used in a workshop setting with instructor comments and hands-on practice sessions. Most or all of the screen captures will look dated, but the basic concepts remain the same.

Dexter: The Missouri Census Data Center's Data Extraction Utility
This presentation covers the basics of the MCDC data archive and using Dexter to access datasets. Around 60 slides.
Dexter Tutorial, Part 2: More Advanced Topics And Exercises
A continuation of the previous presentation that deals with more advanced options, especially those contained in Section V of the Dexter query form. Around 45 slides.
Accessing Large Table Files With Dexter
This presentation deals with special considerations when using Dexter to access datasets where the variables are organized into logical tables — for example, the decennial census summary files and the various American Community Survey base tables. Around 31 slides.
The MCDC Data Archive
This presentation focuses on the MCDC's data collection and includes a brief historical perspective on how it came to be. It also deals with various naming conventions, directory structures, common geographic and other identifier variables, etc. Some of this material also appears in the base Dexter tutorial, but this one has much more depth. Around 59 slides. The Important Things to Know About the MCDC Data Archive page is probably a better place to start.