Help with MCDC Data and Applications
The All About... Series
Providing in-depth looks at topics related to census data and geography.
- Race and ethnicity in the census may help clear up confusion about these two different, nonoverlapping categories.
- Measures of income in the census looks at all the different ways you can look at income in the data products from the Census Bureau. The focus is on the utility of the various measures and features a chart that summarizes and rates the measures.
- Census geography and summary levels looks at all the various types of geographic units that are used for summarizing census data.
- PUMAs (public use microdata areas) have become a much more visible geographic unit because of the availability of annually updated American Community Survey data. This page tells you all you need to know about them.
- The ZIP code resources page is by far the oldest and most popular of these help pages. It was orginally written in the early 1990s to be a sort of FAQ page regarding ZIP code geography.
The Ten Things to Know... Series