MCDC News and Updates

PL94-171 Redistricting Data is In

The PL94-171 (redistricting) data from the 2020 decennial census is now available in the MCDC data collection.

This is the first major data release of the 2020 Census, comprising race / ethnicity / voting age demographics, along with housing tenure, for all U.S. geographic areas down to the census block level.

MCDC’s new collection (/data/pl942020) includes data for all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. The collection contains two datasets per state, one each with totals ([SS]sums) and detail ([SS]detail). The sums datasets will be most useful for our regular users.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau,

Public Law (P.L.) 94-171, enacted by Congress in December 1975, requires the Census Bureau to provide states the opportunity to identify the small area geography for which they need data in order to conduct legislative redistricting. The law also requires the U.S. Census Bureau to furnish tabulations of population to each state, including for those small areas the states have identified, within one year of Census day.

Over the coming days and weeks, we will add more datasets to this collection, including U.S. level and some trends.

For questions or technical assistance, please contact Glenn Rice at MCDC.