MCDC News and Updates

Geocorr 2022

We’re happy to announce a new version of Geocorr based on 2020 decennial census geographies. Thank you for your patience!

Currently, Geocorr 2022 comprises the following geographies for all states, DC, and PR (where applicable):

  • nation (aka “Entire universe”)
  • states
  • counties
  • minor civil divisions (MCDs; includes townships and other county subdivisions)
  • tracts
  • block groups
  • blocks
  • places (towns, villages, cities, etc.) and census-designated places (CDPs)
  • core-based statistical areas (CBSAs; includes metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas)
  • upper- and lower-chamber state legislative districts
  • Congressional districts (116th Congress)
  • ZCTAs (ZIP codes)
  • NECTAs and NECTA divisions
  • elementary, secondary, and unified school districts
  • “best” school districts and types
  • county and place size categories
  • hospital service areas and referral regions

In addition, Geocorr 2022 includes the following regions for the state of Missouri only:

  • Regional Planning Commissions
  • University of Missouri Extension regions
  • MO Dept. of Economic Development (MERIC) regions
  • MO Dept. of Transportation districts
  • MO Area Agencies on Aging
  • MO BRFSS regions

We’ll add other geography types as they become available.

Longtime users of the Geocorr applications may notice a few other changes. Geocorr 2022 does not include the concentric ring pseudo-geocode options, nor the bounding box filter option. Our server logs indicated that these options were rarely used, and in a couple of instances were not actually functional. The HTML (web page) report option is now unchecked by default. The report output is the most resource- and time-intensive block of Geocorr’s code, and frequently causes program timeouts when very long reports (e.g., those using blocks) are requested.

Although Geocorr 2022 has been thoroughly tested, it should be considered a “beta” version for the moment. Please report any errors to Glenn Rice (

U.S. Census Bureau “Data Gem” offers a quick look at Geocorr

The U.S. Census Bureau’s Census Academy recently released a short video in its “Data Gems” series providing a brief overview about using MCDC’s Geocorr tool to create geographical correspondences. “Whether you are looking for estimates for the nation or a population count for your city block, geography is a critical element to using and accessing Census data. The State Data Center in Missouri [MCDC] developed a great resource to help us work with Census Bureau’s geographies. In this Data Gem, you will learn how to use the Geocorr to identify the geographies that make up your area.”

The Census Academy is the Bureau’s virtual hub for learning data skills, including visualization, population and housing tools, geography, and other topics. The Data Gems are a series of short “how-to” videos for data users looking to quickly enhance census data knowledge.

Data Updates (Spring 2021)

We’ve updated many of our population-related applications and datasets over the past couple of months.

As always, please contact the MCDC website manager with any questions or comments.