MCDC News and Updates

DHC 2020 Standard Extracts Added to MCDC’s Collection

The Missouri Census Data Center has added our “standard extract” data based on the 2020 Demographic and Housing Characteristics (DHC) data. The collection is located in the /data/dhc2020x directory and is also accessible from our data portal page.

This is the collection of standard extracts, where we create a set of just over 100 key variables (with corresponding percents) from the ~9,000 table cells in the complete 2020 DHC file. For each state in the US (plus DC and PR), we have three data sets: one for census blocks, one for complete block groups (summary level 150), and one for “selected inventory” levels: state, county, county subdivision, place (complete and within-county), census tract, and ZIP code (ZCTA). For most geographies, we have added the 2010 population count and used it to calculate change over the decade.

This collection will be the basis for our forthcoming update to the CAPS (Circular Area Profiles) application using 2020 Census data. Users may expect to see the updated CAPS 2020 application in late August 2023.